Courses / Offers
Feldenkrais group classes in „Awareness Through Movement”
The group classes are usually carried out in a lying position in comfortable clothing and under the teacher’s verbal guidance. The movements are small and slow and are sometimes performed only in the imagination. Everyone learns at their own pace, without effort and to the extent that is possible at the current time.
Ongoing online class on Tuesdays
from 8:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m
- free trial lesson on request
- entry possible at any time
- prior knowledge not required
Participation 4x: € 64 / 8x: € 120
(only actual participation will be charged)
Feldenkrais individual sessions in „Functional Integration”
The individual session is a hands-on form of Feldenkrais and focuses on one person's concerns. A short conversation and carrying out everyday movements (e.g. looking over your shoulder, tying your shoes, stretching) provide the starting point for the respective lesson. Gentle and slow touches or movements reduce muscle tension and explore existing behavioural patterns that may impair certain movements.
Alternatives to established, ineffective or painful movements can be found. The nervous system perceives the subtle differences in movement and selects the simplest and most elegant solutions.
Appointments for individual lessons by arrangement.
Cost €60 (course participants) / €70
If you would like to know whether your health insurance reimburses or advances costs for Feldenkrais, please ask your health insurance company. You can also find information at: